We think of initiation as a thing you must seek out, a commitment you must make. To begin the spiritual journey you must take the first step... right? Well, you must make the SECOND step, and all that come after. But you will be excited to know that sometimes the FIRST step in your Naalka path will come to you! I explain this here: this is the result of Karcist Sulkisk's Grand Gift to Humanity. Many are exposed to the Gift and have the tools to begin their journey of faith and discovery without even trying. Are you among us?

Or perhaps you are interested in the promise of Naalka, and, absent a direct bloodline, have been trying to find a path on your own. GOOD FOR YOU!! But how will you know when it's working?

Simply imagine: Your worth does not inhere in your flesh... But It Could!

For either of the above, these 7 signs are indicators that you HAVE been exposed and are developing the correct pathways:

1. Low energy and fatigue. New companion-bodies require nutrients too and may be using some of yours. If you feel tired often, pins and needles, or clumsiness, you may be beginning to share your energy.

2. Malaise. You may feel bad or at disease. How can such a blessing feel bad in your body? It can seem confusing but there are many answers.

3. Feeling that you are different or disconnected from your peers. The corporeal body KNOWS what the high-falutin brain does not - you are recognizing that something has changed and that you now are experiencing reality on a different level from your peers. Has this been happening for a long time? Perhaps you have been incubating for a long time. It comes on its own terms... but this feeling of separation can indicate that it is time to turn inward and also to search out new people to be with.

4. Troubled sleep. In the process of Initiation this can be due to bodily unrest / overactivation of the uneducated native "immune" system during the recalibration process / genetic antimemes crossing the blood-brain barrier.

5. Autonomous control over cellular pressure. If you concentrate, can you increase swelling or create edema in your extremities? This can indicate that new genetic pathways have already developed.

6. Fever & symptoms of viral infection. Swollen lymph nodes, high temperature... these can indicate enlightened intracellular activity. Again, remember that your traitor immune native "immune" system is dumb as hell and will need time to adjust.

7. Multiple cancers, growths, infections etc. Many growths etc can indicate that your body is Awakened to its best genes and beginning to garden itself. If this is happening to you you may be truly blessed. Reach out to your local groups SOON!

I want to be clear that genetic initiation is not the same thing as inner cultivation.

Let me repeat that: genetic initiation is not the same thing as inner cultivation.

Genetic initiation or sacred communion with K. Sulkisk's ever-repeating gift is like inspiration. It can be carried on a word or a fingerprint or even in the night air. It CAN find you without your knowing. Inner cultivation is a deliberate process that is unlikely to happen by accident.

A parent or caregiver can instill and nourish the being within us - this is probably another reason that inheritance is thought to be so crucial to spiritual cultivation HEY there's a thought, huh?!! - but for most of us the duty falls to us to seek out inner cultivation. I am working on resources for t his but I want to make sure you are aware that initiation can only get you so far. It is only a step in your grand journey.